Friday, September 14, 2007

Algebra 9/17 - 9/21 (Attention: Change of Dates - Chapter 1 Test)

Algebra students,

***Important update: A-Day: Chapter 1 Test date has changed and is now on Thrusday 9/20. B-Day: Chapater 1 Test is now Friday 9/21.*** Be sure to update your stamp sheets.

As we begin our third week of class, I want to extend my appreciation for a great start to the school year in all of my classes. I expect standard to be continued throughout the year and I believe that you, my students, strive for success academically and socially in my classroom and life.

This week in algebra brings you your first test. Chapter 1 Test is at the end of the week. (Remember, for exact dates, please check your stamp sheet or Edine). Be sure to complete the study guide and Progress Self-Test (PST) to ensure your best chance of success on the chapter 1 test. Also, remember that no missing work can be turned in from chapter 1 after we complete the chapter. If you having missing work, be sure you have it with you on the day of the test to get half credit for it.

Thanks all for now. Have a great week!
- Mr. Hanson

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